A few weeks ago Hailey had an allergic reaction to her meds. She broke out in a rash all over her body, she had an extremely high fever, and she was scratching like crazy. It got so bad we had to take her to the ER. Usually she is such a mama's girl, but that day in the ER she just wanted her daddy to hold her.
Update: Many of you have asked how Hailey is doing since this incident. She is a tough little girl and recovered much faster than the doctors said she would.
Oh no! That's not fun at all! Hope she's ok. Poor little thing!
Oh my gosh that's so sad and scary! Were you totally bawling? I would've been! I'm glad she's better now... and that's cute she wanted her Daddy! You guys are cute parents!
Oh that really sucks, Im so sorry that happened, lucky that has never happened to Lilee. I don't know what I would do. Anyways- hope she's feeling better.
Oh my goodness!!!!! I feel so bad for her just looking at those pictures! Hope she is feeling better!
Yikes! What is she allergic to??? Poor thing, she looks miserable! Hope she is feeling better now!
That is so scary! She looks so miserable, I am glad she is doing better. How did you and Ashley handle it? I would have bee totally freaking out.
Poor Hailey! Yea she was a daddy's girl!! hopefully hannah could be a momma's girl for a day!probably not! we need hannah and hailey to play soon!
Oh my heck! The poor thing... I hope that she is feeling better she is such a doll. I get hives really bad from the sun and I thought that was horrible I cant imagine!
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